Hearing Aid Test

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    Best Hearing Aid Deal With FCS

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    Your Trusted Hearing Aids Consultant

    Find the best support for your Ear wellbeing


    • Free Hearing Test and Consultation: Audiologists offer complimentary hearing tests to assess hearing capabilities and provide expert consultation on hearing health.
    • Comprehensive Diagnostics: Detailed evaluation to diagnose hearing loss and other auditory conditions, ensuring personalized care.


    • Free Device Configuration: Hearing aid devices are configured according to individual needs, ensuring optimal performance.
    • Nationwide Free Shipping: Devices are shipped for free anywhere in India, making hearing solutions accessible and convenient.
    • Trial with Different Hearing Aids: Patients can trial various hearing aids from leading brands, ensuring they find the perfect fit for their needs


    • All Major Brands Available: Access to a wide range of hearing aid brands, ensuring a variety of options for every individual.


    Up to 4 Years Warranty: Products come with a warranty of up to 4 years, providing peace of mind and long-term security.*


    • Certified Quality Products: Free trials with certified hearing aid products, ensuring patients experience the highest quality of sound and comfort.
    • Excellent Technical and Personal Support: Professional technical assistance and personalized support are available throughout the hearing aid trial and usage process.

    10 Questions to Ask Before Getting Hearing Aids

    What are the signs of hearing loss?

    Answer:- Common signs include difficulty understanding conversations, especially in noisy environments, needing to turn up the volume on the TV or radio, and frequently asking others to repeat themselves. If you notice any of these signs, it’s a good idea to get your hearing tested.

    Answer:- To prevent hearing loss, avoid exposure to loud noises, or wear hearing protection in noisy environments. Keep the volume on electronic devices at a safe level, and have your hearing tested regularly, especially if you notice changes.


    Answer:- To know which hearing aid model suits you best, consider your level of hearing loss, lifestyle, preferences for size and appearance, budget, and whether you want advanced features like Bluetooth or rechargeable batteries. An audiologist can guide you based on these factors and offer a free trial of different models.

    Answer:- During a hearing test, I’ll start by asking some questions about your medical and hearing history. Then, I’ll conduct a series of tests in a soundproof booth, where you’ll wear headphones and respond to different sounds and tones. This helps us determine the type and degree of hearing loss you may have. The test is painless and usually takes 30 to 60 minutes.

    Answer:- If your hearing test shows that you have hearing loss that affects your ability to hear conversations or sounds in everyday situations, you may benefit from a hearing aid. We’ll review your test results together and discuss if a hearing aid is the best option for improving your hearing.

    Answer:- On average, hearing aids last 3 to 7 years, depending on the model and how well they’re maintained. Regular checkups and cleaning will help prolong their lifespan. Additionally, hearing aids come with warranties, which can be up to 4 years depending on the brand.

    Answer:- Hearing aids should be cleaned daily with a soft, dry cloth and inspected for earwax buildup. Regular cleaning will extend their lifespan.

    Answer:-Yes, many modern hearing aids come with rechargeable batteries, offering convenience and eliminating the need for regular battery changes.

    Answer:- The price of branded hearing aids in India varies widely depending on the brand, type, and features. Generally, prices range from ₹5,500 to ₹1,50,000 per device. Basic models might start around ₹5,500* while advanced models with features like Bluetooth connectivity and rechargeable batteries can cost between ₹35,000 and ₹1,50,000. Prices may also be influenced by factors such as warranty and additional services provided.

    Hearing Aid Test

    Book A Free Hearing Aid Test & Trial